Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Idol week 1...here we go......

***In order to not confuse everyone we usually post each of our comments in a different color AND ITS USUALLY BEST IF YOU START FROM THE BOTTOM AND READ YOUR WAY UP**

Hello ladies :)  Sorry for the AI chat delay.  Hope y'all are doing well.  

I just finished tonight's AI, so I'm going to comment on it as well. 

I loved that Korean fellow.  I thought he was going to super suck...not so much!  I friggin loved that guy! 

The other guy that sang the Family Matters theme song was really good also. 

I also loved the suicidal blond at the very end; I think her story added a lot to her performance and she was very good.  

The wedding singer/DJ was pretty good also. 
I'm pretty happy that they didn't focus on any of the bad auditions tonight at all.  Any of the ones they turned away were decent and not completely horrible. 

Do you think sometimes that Steven Tyler is bi?  He is always staring at the pretty boys up and down and calls them beautiful - LOL!  I of course, doubt that he is, but it's a thought - ha ha! 

I guess my next email will be on Sunday night after the AI episode that night.  So weird. 

Have a good weekend ladies - love and miss your faces.  

welcome to the AI chat!  It gets feisty, that's for sure; but in all in good fun! :) Just a little bit of advice: Don't ever say that Will Smith is the greatest rapper of all time - LOL!  If you don't know about that story, go hide in Erica's office and she can tell you - ha ha! 


I kinda liked the girl that did the joy dance.  I think she'll be entertaining to watch. 

I don't think I liked that joy dance.  But will it catch on, probably.

On a side note, I don't like that Joel Osteen or his phony wife.  Don't trust either one of them - especially him.  I think he has a shifty smile.  Hope I don't start anything with that comment.  I know he's hugely popular, and I'm probably the odd man out, but it's just a feeling I get.  Kinda of like my sister with John Edwards as far back as when he ran alongside John Kerry.  I loved him - he reminded me of Robert Kennedy, but my sister said she didn't trust him - she thought he looked like a pedofile.  Turned out he was a cheating slime bag and not a pedofile (but who knows).   

What did you think of the girl with dreads who did the Joy dance???  She was funny, but I don’t know if I would have put her through.

I don’t understand the fascination with Steven Tyler’s butt either, or how so many females hugged him.  I thought they were kinda slutty the way they came onto him.  (Though if it had been Gary Oldman or Denzel Washington, I might have done the same!)

The last guy was very attractive, with a great voice, but not as great as I was expecting after the build up.  I’m sure he’ll do well.  I think the guy that quit his job only got through because of that.  If he hadn’t said anything, they probably wouldn’t have sent him to Hollywood. 

I didn’t see the bubbles over the judges’ heads (I was flicking to Oprah who was interviewing Joel Osteen).

I agree – they didn’t show many bad auditions.  I kinda like them, because I sound exactly like them!!  I don’t feel so bad knowing there’s worse singers than me out there!  It bothers me though that some people nowadays can’t take no for an answer.  They carry on as if their being told no is the greatest injustice since the voting debacle in Florida put George Bush in the White House.

I miss Simon too …

Good morning ladies,

Well, first of all I'm so glad AI is back!  It's been a long 7 months.  I think though that I may like the X Factor better now. Something is wrong with you….this was like fresh air compared to the X factor..sorry. although the Voice plays a very close second to AI in my books!!!  Maybe it's the Simon factor, plus I really liked the way the auditions were in front of a live audience.

I wasn't crazy about XFactor - I thought it was going to be better than it was.  It was nice seeing Paula & Simon fighting again; but I hated the host and Nicole so much that I skipped right through the whole season.  I just think it was built up a little too much.  Arleen:  When does The Voice start?  I might watch that from the beginning this time.  HA HA! 

Second - I sincerely hope that was the first and last of the animated thought bubbles over the judge's head.  Did you see the Steven Tyler bit?  So cheesy!  I was like - please don't resort to this kind of b.s.  ok now you’re making sense…I want to be like it’s American Idol you don’t need gimmics people are going to watch!!!

I thought the thought bubbles were a little bit funny; but I sure hope they don't do that all the time either.  It was a one time "entertaining" moment, lets keep it like that - ha ha!

Third - I really liked the way they seemed to focus and show a lot more of the good auditions rather than the really bad ones.  AMEN SISTER

Thank goodness!  Although the bad ones are always so dramatic that it's entertaining and comical.  Mike & I just laugh at them. 


Can you believe that one girl grabbed Steven Tyler and Randy in the ass?  What nerve!!! I would not want to grab his ass…I would rather grab JLo’s butt. Plus isn’t he newly engaged? Oh and did you notice that father of the tall, cute blonde girl looked like he was going to punch Tyler in the face when he made the comment about his daughter being hot?  She sang that Etta James song.  I thought she looked a lot like Carrie Underwood.  She was one of my favorites.  I thought she did too…I liked her a lot and for being so young I thought she was really good. AND just to counter your point below…she was cute and JLo said yes!

I thought the super tall blond was really good and her and another one reminded me of Carrie Underwood; I don't remember which one - ha ha! 

Did you notice how again Jlo seems to not put through the cuter girls?  I didn’t like that dancer girl either that she said no to…

I do notice that JLo rolls her eyes a little bit at the cuter girls.  BTW:  What is with all the pink?  The AI logo is now pink?!  What is going on with that? 


Did y'all like that last guy?  He kind of reminded me a little of Justin Timberlake.  I predict he's going to be a favorite with the little girls.  I didn't think his audition was as great as they built it up to be though. OMG I must be a little girl then…PHILLIP PHILLIPS!!!  I loved him..he reminded me of Dave Matthews even his mannerisms…love him. He’s my fav at the moment. 

I think I'm gonna love that dang Phillip Phillips!!  He was really good!  Mike calls him PP Jr.  LOL!  His parents weren't very creative were they?  "Hmm, his last name is Phillips...lets just duplicate it." 

I didn’t like the guy who’s wife was pregnant and I guarantee you they just put him through because he had quit his job. Randy was right he is going to get swallowed up by those auditions.  If I was that guy's wife, he'd be in huge trouble.  What an idiot, quitting his job 3 months before his baby is due in this economy?  He is crazy, and somebody should have told him he's not that good! And it totally bugged me how his wife said…if we already had a baby he wouldn’t be able to quit his job. UMMMM you do already have a baby. What do you think that thing is in your belly? She was at least 6 months pregnant. I mean does she really think that baby is not going to cost a crap ton of money the day it pops out. I have news for her sister!!!

OMG!  This guy was a damn fool!  I was watching it when Mike walked in the room and I was already cussing him out for being so stupid.  Then Mike said "what are you yelling about?" and I said "he gave up his job to go on AI....his job at a Federal Prison."  Mike started cussing him out too.  It was funny! 

Love ya all! Oh how I have missed our AI chatter!!!! YEA I feel complete again!!

I missed the AI chatter we all have as well!  Mine is probably going to be late at night when I get home; so just keep me involved and when y'all get into work the next day you'll have a treat from me - ha ha!  


Let's get it started

The best blog about American Idol around...Me and my 3 friends always email about Idol. It's funny, silly and sometimes a bit serious.  We tend to go off the subject sometimes and also just a disclaimer. Some of us (mostly me) are very bad with names so please don't be offended by the way we describe the contestants it is not ment to be mean or harmful.  I'm attaching our Email feed on my next post.  Should be a great season!!

Love your face-